Do You Really Trust God?

Alas, Easter has come and gone.  Well, the day that Easter falls on has anyway.  Easter is something we can celebrate everyday!  Jesus died to cover our sins past, present, and future.  He was the sacrificial Lamb.  All the sacrifices the Israelites had observed were no longer necessary.  Jesus had become the final sacrifice.

During this time of the year, I often dwell on the events of “Good Friday”.  The day Jesus died.  I think about the last words Jesus spoke.  Not just to the thieves on either side of Him but to God.  Two things stand out.  He asked God to forgive those who were crucifying him and no doubt those who were taking pleasure in it.  He said they didn’t know what they were doing.  This was so true.  They did not believe that He was the Son of God – The Messiah so they really didn’t know what they were doing. But what they were doing had to be done.  He also said in Luke 23:46 NLT “Father, I entrust My Spirit into Your hands!”

Think about that for a minute.  Jesus was entrusting His Spirit to God.  In other words, He was trusting God to take care of Him even after death.  He had told people what he had to do and how things were going to be for Him.  He believed it and was prepared to entrust his spirit to the one and only God to care for Him and raise Him from the grave.

He rose from the grave and is seated at the right hand of God!

Have you ever thought how your life would be if you trusted God as much as Jesus did?  You see, Jesus come to this world not to condemn it but to save it.  He showed us how to live a Godly perfect life.  His last words on the cross before dying tell us what we should do with our lives.  TRUST IN GOD!

Hand the reins to God and let go.  Let Him guide you.  Only then will you truly be free to totally trust in God for all your needs.

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